VR Troopers - Season 1 (52)

Sep 3, 1994
Ryan Steele gets a strange message on his computer from someone or something named Proffesor Hart saying that he has a message from his father. Ryan is confused by all this because he knows his father has been missing for a few years. He and his two friends Katlin Star and JB Reese head down to Proffesor Hart's lab. Meanwhile just Downtown of Crossworld an sinsiter buisness man who is secretly known as a demon in virtual reality, finds out that his enemy Proffesor Hart has contacted three humans and he is determined to stop them.

Sep 10, 1994
As Ryan lays unconscience his he rembers how his farther taught him never to give up he is rescue by JB and Katlin. Ryan's dog is accidently shocked in the lab causing him to speak. Ryan Katlin and JB join forces as they begin the search for his farther.

Sep 14, 1994
A mysterious virus enters the comptuer system causing everything to malfucion including the hardware surounding inside professor Hart the troopers realize that grimlord is behind it.

Sep 15, 1994
When a homeless lady wanders into the dojo with amnesia, the kids try to help. TAO cooks herbal food, students pass out flyers, J.B. uses his computer and KAITLIN runs her photo on the front page of WOODY'S newspaper. RYAN also loses his memory when he collides in midair with AIRSTRIKER, sent by GRIMLORD, to destroy him. PROFESSOR HART and JEB try to bring back Ryan's memory in the lab, while J.B. and Kaitlin battle the LASER BOT and GENERAL IVAR'S robot vehicles. The kids win and the love of his dog brings back Ryan's memory. The newspaper photo reunites the homeless lady with her family.

Sep 16, 1994
ZIKTOR wants to destroy all books that teach about solar energy. He starts with MR. REESE'S bookmobile, as a way of getting at J.B. The boys are getting ready for a doubles Karate tournament when KAITLIN alerts them and they rush to save J.B.'s dad from the attacking SKUGS. The boys win the first round of the tournament, but join Kaitlin between rounds to take on THE ELIMINATOR who is attacking the Central Library. RYAN forgets his virtualizer back at the Dojo, so Kaitlin and J.B. go to fight while Ryan retrieves it. Using the new VORTEX power, J.B. takes the battle with GRIMLORD'S airforce to a virtual quarry. Ryan joins them and the robots are defeated. The boys win the tournament and J.B. gives his father the prize money to fix the bookmobile. Ryan surprises J.B. by adding his prize money to J.B.'s, sacrificing his goal of becoming partners with Tao in the dojo.

Sep 19, 1994
RYAN and J.B. are training two young brothers who argue with each other all the time. ZIKTOR/GRIMLORD decides to unleash two monster robot brothers of his own, the SWORDBOTS. KAITLIN and the brothers stumble across Grimlord's ""Power Diverter"" and the brothers are captured by SKUGS. To track them, PROFESSOR HART invents a ""virtual blood hound"" using a robotic ""Sniffer,"" linked to JEB's real nose. The brothers argue so much the Skugs separate them. Kaitlin and J.B. are able to free one boy while Ryan fights the Swordbot robots and frees the other boy. After this, the boys agree not to argue with each other and they win the tournament.

Sep 20, 1994
A neighborhood policewoman offers TAO and the kids a challenge: turn BECKY into a karate contender in two weeks and win $1000 from the Police Association to help other street kids. RYAN accepts the challenge and KAITLIN commits to help. When GRIMLORD hears about this offer, he issues his own challenge: his robots will compete to see who will face the V.R. TROOPERS at the reality barrier. HAMMERBOT meets Ryan in the Forest of Virtual Reality. SPIDERBOT faces J.B. at the top of the world and Kaitlin must hold back GENERAL IVAR'S robot assault vehicles and fighter jets. JEB becomes Becky's friend and helps her to stay on track and win a ribbon in the beginners division at the Inter-dojo tournament.

Sep 21, 1994
Grimlord invents a device that traps anyone inside virtually reality when JB becomes a hostage Ryan must go in to rescue his Friend who is being trained of his VR Trooper powers

Sep 22, 1994
KAITLIN'S cousin, BETSY, comes for a visit. She aspires to be a reporter like Kaitlin and, while on a story, discovers green slime oozing from the grass in the park. Kaitlin and the guys analyze the slime and discover it is a defoliant that will destroy all of the plants and trees. Meanwhile, Betsy is captured by SKUGS. Kaitlin and the guys rescue her and face GRIMLORD'S mutants. In the end, everyone is safe and WOODY loves the article that Kaitlin and Betsy wrote about the slime.

Sep 23, 1994
Grimlord decides that he wants to place a spy on the Troopers so he sends one disguised as a teenager named Jeremy.

Sep 26, 1994
KAITLIN is paid a visit by an eccentric young inventor who has plans for a pollution-free motorcycle engine. After showing the guys the plans, they decided to build a motorcycle version in V.R. and put it in J.B.'s Skycycle. Meanwhile, GRIMLORD, concerned that the engine will destroy his (ZIKTOR'S) oil business, sends SKUGS to the Dojo to look for the disk with the engine's design on it. They trash the place after a fight with TAO and take all the disks they can find. The kids come back to find the place a mess. They then hear that a busload of kids has been hijacked. The teens contact the PROFESSOR, who alerts J.B. Ryan and Kaitlin transform. Kaitlin fights Skugs as Ryan battles Grimlord's LEVIATRONS which have broken through the reality barrier. They all win their fights, including J.B. against DRILLBOT. In the end, the invention is turned over to WOODY'S friend who owns a motorcycle company. Everyone is happy.

Sep 27, 1994
Grimlord puts a spell on JB and Katlin causing them to turn against Ryan. Meanwhile Katlin's boss hires the Mayor's nephew as Katlin's co-worker.

Sep 28, 1994
GRIMLORD comes up with the idea of turning dog pound pets (and more) into rabid mutant monsters for his own army. ZIKTOR disguises his voice and pretends to hire Kaitlin to shoot a dog food commercial, knowing that she'll bring JEB, the first subject to be turned into a mutant. Jeb is slipped a mutating agent and turns into a monster! His first order -- destroy RYAN STEELE! Ryan goes to a zoo, where the mutant Jeb is causing havoc. J.B. and Kaitlin are off to find and then destroy the factory that is creating the substance used for the transformation. Grimlord's forces give them some trouble, but they outsmart them. Ryan has PROFESSOR HART send a virtual reality image of a normal dog to the zoo, hoping that the mutant Jeb will recognize what he used to be, and then desire to go back to that state. It works, but not before Grimlord's TOXOID ROBOT sprays Jeb with a disintegrating agent. Professor Hart saves Jeb from disintegrating.

Sep 30, 1994
While walking through Crossworld woods they notice someone inside an abanoned cabin Ryan suspects that this person could be his long lost farther.

Oct 2, 1994
GRIMLORD (a.k.a. Ziktor) needs an old growth forest clear for a massive break-through from Virtual Reality. The Troopers confront Ziktor, who lies and says he'll stop. Discovering that the logging is to continue, they try to get MAYOR ROONEY to stop it, but the Mayor's wife thinks the forest is full of savage animals (Ziktor sneakily convinced her of this) and she supports clearing the forest of these beasts. Luckily, PROFESSOR HART recognizes that the forest bugs JEB has picked up are endangered insects, and they can get a Federal injunction to stop the logging. They stop Ziktor's chain saws, but Grimlord sends CHAIN-BOT and GENERAL IVAR to destroy the forest. The Troopers return to the forest, when the earth shakes from Grimlord's attack. They split up, Ryan tackling ChainBot and J.B. and Kaitlin facing General Ivar's tanks. The Troopers are victorious and the forest is saved. Back at the U.V.D., Ziktor is tricked into building a park, the Mayor congratulates the Troopers, and Jeb gi

Oct 4, 1994
A celebration is held on the tenth Anniversary of Tao Dojo and GRIMLORD sends his EVIL MAGICIAN to abduct the real magician and catch the TROOPERS with their guard down. Using KAITLIN and JB to assist him in a trick, he steals their virtualizers. In the pursuit that follows, JB and Kaitlin battle SKUGS while Ryan transforms and fights the Magician, now in his robot form. Tricked into a fall from a high rooftop, Ryan is damaged and taken to the lab for repair. A plan is set: Kaitlin and JB will use the flying car to locate the Magician and Ryan will transform and fight the Magician for the virtualizers. The Magician is located and a battle ensues between him and Ryan. Kaitlin and JB are caught in a dogfight in the air above. Our heroes are ultimately victorious and the virtualizers- are returned.

Oct 5, 1994
KAITLIN receives a tip on a big story: a top secret weapons plant and testing site has been set up outside Cross World City. The lead proves to be a trap, set up by GRIMLORD. SKUGS hold Kaitlin as bait to lure RYAN and J.B. into an ambush. The boys are forced to do battle with METALBOT and COBROT, two of Grimlord's deadliest robot warriors. The boys ultimately overcome them and release Kaitlin just in the nick of time from a booby-trapped explosion at the weapons site. Kaitlin's story appears on the front page of the newspaper, forcing the closure of the plant.

Oct 7, 1994
SKUGS dognap JEB when he steps outside for a nature call. They take him to GRIMLORD, who is angered by the dog's wise-cracking mouth. Although some robots want to terminate Jeb, Grimlord has a plan: he will set a trap. When the TROOPERS come to rescue Jeb, the warriors will be waiting. CRABOR promises to do the job. TORPEDO BOT will provide back up. GENERAL IVAR will send the FROGBOT to ensure success. Led by a phone call to the harbor, our V.R. Troopers battle Grimlord's forces as Jeb gives a play-by-play from his vantage point. The Troopers win and are reunited with their mascot. Jeb decides it's a lot safer inside the lab.

Oct 10, 1994
JEB the dog is depressed because he's fallen for PRINCESS THE DOG and her puppies, but Princess's owner, MRS. BURNS, calls Jeb a pound mutt and blocks their romance -- even though Mrs. Bums' little boy, TIMMY, is all for it. When Kaitlin does a dog show photo session, Jeb and Princess sneak into the darkroom. Mrs. Bums is furious and the puppies run wild. Kaitlin takes Jeb to see Princess at Mrs. Burns' house and a SKUG appears. During the fight, the puppies are stolen. Jeb promises Princess that RYAN will get the pups back. However, GRIMLORD wants the puppies in virtual reality to lure the TROOPERS into the firing range of his ultimate robot - THE TROOPER TERMINATOR. Jeb asks Ryan to help, so the V.R. Troopers battle Grimlord's best robots to rescue the puppies. WOODY'S newspaper throws a ""Puppy Homecoming"" party attended by MAYOR ROONEY and his wife. Jeb gets even with Mrs. Burns by pulling a thread on her dress, which unravels, as she runs screaming from the party in her white slip.

Oct 11, 1994
Crossworld is baffled by a number of Unexplained earthquakes the troopers are suspious because their have never been any earthquakes in the town before they soon discover that Grimlord is responsible for the earthquakes.

Oct 12, 1994
The military has been robbed of the preserved brain of the greatest military mind in history. GRIMLORD will try to use the brain in his scheme to take over the planet. However, GENERAL IVAR decides that he has had enough of Grimlord's orders, and, using a plan the brain has come up with, plots to freeze all of the power lines in the city. If successful, the military will be helpless when the virtual army attacks. The TROOPERS must recover the brain and stop General Ivar in order to preserve peace in Cross World City.

Oct 14, 1994
When TAO is informed that the Dojo is on the verge of shutting down due to financial problems, RYAN, KAITLIN and J.B. organize a fund-raiser to bail it out of jeopardy. Meanwhile, ZIKTOR/GRIMLORD plans to buy the building, demolish it and erect a power plant in its place. Further, he intends to install his new Weather Control Device, a system capable of controlling the world's weather and thereby giving him complete global power, within the plant. When Ryan, J.B. and Kaitlin learn of the device and attempt to destroy it, they must face the awesome power of CANNONBOT. Ultimately, they succeed and obliterate the weapon. The fund-raiser is a success, and the Dojo is saved.

Oct 19, 1994
The teens are going to put on a dance-a-thon so that a student of theirs, BRANDON, can afford to go to a special music academy. GRIMLORD decides to hypnotize everyone so that he can defeat the TROOPERS and play his evil music for everyone, causing them to become ZOMBIES. Grimlord's plan goes awry as J.B. and Brandon are not hypnotized. Grimlord then kidnaps Brandon. The Troopers must infiltrate Grimlord's disk plant, rescue Brandon, and fight the evil DISKBOT.

Oct 25, 1994
GRIMLORD plots to overtake reality by making his mutants invisible. At the same time, TAO tries to teach the TROOPERS the importance of stealth in combat. In a comic sequence, they try to attack Tao, but are unsuccessful. They step outside to cool off. While alone in the dojo, JEB is used as a guinea pig by SKUGS and made invisible. He attacks them. RYAN discovers the skug fight and helps the invisible Jeb defeat them. They take Jeb to the lab for treatment, where they learn that Grimlord is invading, using the power of invisibility. The Troopers transform. Ryan meets SPITBOT and TOXOID in a battle where they can disappear. KAITLIN and J.B. take on the skugs. They are ultimately victorious. Back at the lab, PROFESSOR HART is successful at making Jeb only half visible (his front half). Ryan learns to appreciate things in life before they disappear.

Oct 31, 1994
KAITLIN starts having dreams about the power and invincibility of GRIMLORD'S forces. The nightmares are so vivid she can't sleep and her work starts to suffer. Grimlord is using his ""DREAMMASTER"" robot to use her worst fears against her. Her condition deteriorates until she is forced to tell the boys that she feels she can no longer be an effective V.R. TROOPER. She is taken to the lab, where they learn what Grimlord has been putting into her mind. The Dreammaster challenges RYAN and he goes off to fight him. Grimlord uses this opportunity to launch an attack to separate and conquer the Troopers. J.B. has to fight a mutant and then a full scale air and ground assault. Things go bad when the Troopers are in danger of being overwhelmed. At the last moment, Kaitlin overcomes her fears and charges in to the save the day.

Nov 3, 1994
KAITLIN receives flowers from a secret admirer -- GRIMLORD! COLONEL ICE-BOT is developing evil flowers to capture and destroy the TROOPERS. The flowers keep coming and PERCY tries to claim they're from him, but his sneezing demonstrates he's too allergic to have anything to do with flowers. RYAN and J.B. stake out the U.V.D. Office and trail the delivery person who turns into a SKUG and a fight ensues. They hurry back to warm Kaitlin, but she has just sniffed the toxic flower Colonel IceBot sent. She feels very weak, so the guys take her to the lab, where she disintegrates. She has been pulled into an inter-reality prison. J.B. makes an antidote and crosses the barrier to Kaitlin. He tricks GENERAL IVAR and frees Kaitlin, but General Ivar releases the POLLEN-BOT. General Ivar, and his forces, follow right behind J.B., but he defeats them and returns to reality. The Troopers are reunited.

Nov 4, 1994
Inside a house in a quiet neighborhood, COLONEL ICE-BOT has penetrated the reality barrier with an ionic cyber beam. GRIMLORD wants him to build a robot to open the reality barrier from the TROOPERS' side so that GENERAL IVAR'S armies can attack. KAITLIN, RYAN and J.B. investigate and meet MANUEL, a young boy who insists the house is haunted. He promises to take a photo of the ghost inside. Kaitlin tries to convince WOODY at the newspaper to do a story on the haunted house, but he's not convinced. When Manuel calls, Kaitlin rushes to the house to take a photo of the robot. Kaitlin and J.B. battle the VACBOT in Cross World City while Ryan tracks Colonel Ice-Bot to the Air Castle and destroys his database and flying laboratory.

Nov 7, 1994
J.B. coaches one of two rival baseball teams for a benefit game to raise money to upgrade the field and to secure the lease. ZIKTOR wants to end the lease and take the land. After SKUGS fail to kidnap one of J.B.'s players, Ziktor orders METALBOT to take the boy from his apartment complex. RYAN chases the robots but loses them. Search parties go out looking for the boy, but the TROOPERS know he won't be in any ordinary place. They transform, searching the virtual pathways. Grimlord attacks the Skybase, delaying them. Ryan is left alone to fight Metalbot in a desperate effort to save the boy.

Nov 8, 1994
While playing near the lake, Katlin notices some people loading TNT on the dam. The troopers realize that Grimlord is planning on turning Croosworld city into Crossworld lake by blowing up the dam.

Nov 9, 1994
Strickland, Ziktor's assistant shows him his new invention that can reverse the aging process. He decides to use on the troopers so that they will be too young to stop his warriors.

Nov 14, 1994
The troopers discover an army of mutants, as they scan them, they discover that one the mutants is a human being. Ryan suspects that one of them could be his missing father.

Nov 15, 1994
Katlin and JB are trapped between a rock and hardplace. When they realize that if Percy discovers who they are, they are in hot water. Meanwhile, Ryan tries to reason with dark heart to discover if he really is his missing father.

Nov 16, 1994
A SKUG learns of the V.R. TROOPERS plans to de-virtualize RYAN'S father, TYLER STEEL/DARK HEART and warns GRIMLORD. who decides to use Dark Heart as bait to lure Ryan to his destruction. PROFESSOR HART and J.B. analyze the data and discovers that Dark Heart is literally connected to Grimlord through a specific chemical and electronic link. The only way to break the link is to destroy Grimlord! Grimlord appears on the lab's screens and gives Ryan specific coordinates on the reality grid. There he will find his father. Grimlord threatens that if Ryan does not appear, Dark Heart will be destroyed. Ryan keeps his appointment and must fight several mutants who intend to destroy both him and his father. Dark Heart is shot and Ryan rescues him. The father and son escape on Ryan's Turbo Cycle. However, Grimlord begins a full scale assault on the lab. ...to be continued.

Nov 17, 1994
GRIMLORD, knowing DARK HEART/TYLER is gravely injured, launches a full aerial assault on PROFESSOR HART'S lab, as this is the first place RYAN will take his father. Ryan, warned that the lab is under attack, takes his father to a long forgotten and secret lab in the mountains. Father and son are about to be attacked by a full scale aerial assault when J.B. reinputs the transformation commands into the lab's computer. He and Kaitlin transform and rush to Ryan and Dark Heart/Tyler's aid. Ryan and Dark Heart/Tyler decide to challenge Grimlord face to face and enter virtual reality. Meanwhile, Grimlord begins a self destruct system. Father and son escape just as Grimlord's dungeon explodes - supposedly with Grimlord inside. However, most of the mutants were outside, and another battle begins. Ryan fights off DECIMATOR and Tyler returns to human form. Ryan holds his father before he disappears -- as Grimlord takes him back to Virtual World.

Nov 18, 1994
Local legend has it that anyone who looks at the GHOST BIKER face to face vanishes forever. Meanwhile, ZIKTOR receives two pieces of good news: GENERAL IVAR has found a weakened area of the reality barrier and COLONEL ICEBOT has developed a new weapon, the Virtual Vaporizer, to take care of the TROOPERS. PERCY follows Kaitlin and J.B. to the construction site, but when The Ghost Biker appears, he faints. The Troopers' investigation is interrupted by SKUGS and once they've been dispensed with, The Ghost Biker reappears and vanishes with Kaitlin and J.B. They discover that The Ghost Biker is a computer program, which J.B. programs to help Ryan defeat Renegade and the two robots. The Ghost Biker takes Ryan to J.B. and Kaitlin - and allows them to return to reality.

Nov 21, 1994
KAITLIN'S friend, DANIELLE, beseeches her to write a story about the Animal Sanctuary, where Danielle's father is head scientist. Developers are trying to buy the land and use it for industrial development. When Kaitlin, J.B. and RYAN arrive at the sanctuary, they discover that GRIMLORD has plans for the land as well. Grimlord's SKUGS kidnap Danielle while his MUTANTS try to destroy the rare species of animals being protected on the sanctuary. The VR TROOPERS fight Grimlord's minions and save the animals. Kaitlin's story convinces the City Council to keep the animal sanctuary intact and safe for future generations.

Nov 22, 1994
When the Jr. High FOOTBALL COACH stumbles onto GRIMLORD'S secret base, SKUGS shrink him and imprison him in a sports trading card. When the team is turned away from their field, the Troopers go to the office of the ""landscaper,"" who turn into Skugs and a fight ensues. Ryan decides to hold practice at the Dojo, where the Troopers, including JEB, help with the training. Grimlord is determined to ambush Ryan, but Ryan defeats CANON FIST, retrieving it's memory cell. Ryan and Kaitlin work with the team while J.B. uses the lab's computers on the memory cell in hopes of finding the coach. He determines a link to the playing field. At the field J.B. battles Skugs and just as Kaitlin arrives, pulls them back to Virtual Reality, where they battle FOOT-BOT. In a parallel fight, Ryan leads the football team. J.B. and Kaitlin destroy Foot-bot, find the trading card and release the coach. They get him back to the game in time to give the team one final play and the victory.

Nov 23, 1994
SKUGS kidnap BABY BOO from his parents in the park and leave the baby on the dojo doorstep. JEB alerts the kids, who alert the authorities and care for the baby. At the lab, the V.R. Scanner shows the bomb factory and Baby Boo's MOM and DAD being held prisoner by Skugs. Then Percy show up at the cave, gets pounced on by Skugs and is held hostage with baby's parents. Ryan stays in the lab with Jeb and Baby Boo. J.B. and Kaitlin fight Icebot until GENERAL IVAR'S Quantum Cruisers begin to release bombs. Ryan leaves Baby Boo with PROFESSOR HART and Jeb and transforms. Ryan fights the air battle in the V.R. Skybase. After J.B. and Kaitlin rescue the hostages, Ryan targets the bomb factory and destroys it. All's well that ends well, and Ryan hopes that he and his father will soon be reunited.

Nov 29, 1994
GENERAL IVAR and COLONEL ICEBOT stage a battle with the V.R. TROOPERS in virtual reality in order to infect them with a Reality Virus. The Troopers cross back to reality, unwittingly carrying a virtual sludge designed to eat away the reality barrier. By the time RYAN, KAITLIN and J.B. discover the virus, it's already infected much of Cross World City and GRIMLORD is preparing a massive attack. The kids discover one of TAO'S plants will destroy the virus, but SKUGS take the plant. As reality crumbles and Kaitlin and J.B. fight the QUANTUM CRUISERS, Ryan must fight RENEGADE and CRABOR in order to retrieve the rare plant that will allow PROFESSOR HART to prepare specialized virtual bombs that will heal the reality barrier.

Nov 30, 1994
Two circus performers who are scientists in disguise (MIKAIL and LEAH) are taken to PROFESSOR HART for help in completing their research on a fuel-increasing formula hidden on a micro-dot on a jewel in Leah's necklace. They are beset by SKUGS on the way to the lab, and the scientists are kidnapped, but not before Leah puts her necklace around JEB'S neck. GRIMLORD is furious that the formula has been passed on. Professor Hart is able to help the TROOPERS prepare a plan to find and free Leah and Mikail, while he analyzes the micro-dot. The Troopers transform. Ryan meets Horrorbot in a battle where his powers are weakened and he is caged. Following a high-speed pursuit, Kaitlin leads the scientists to safety while J.B. flattens Terminoid and General Ivar. Meanwhile, Ryan puts Horrorbot out of commission. Reunited at the Dojo, Leah gets her necklace back, along with Professor Hart's information.

Feb 6, 1995
KAITLIN is doing an article on biologically dissimilar twins. She maintains that every living being has a mirror image. Meanwhile, ZIKTOR has developed a cloning device from plans originally belonging to TYLER STEELE. He sends his SKUGS to attack Ryan and obtain a lock of his hair with which the device will produce a clone. While Ryan is out jogging with JEB in the park, his evil Clone appears at the Dojo and becomes uncharacteristically aggressive and mean. When Ryan's Clone can't gain entrance to the lab, J.B. and Kaitlin become suspicious. Ryan goes to the lab and is given the Professor's Virtualizer, enabling him to confront his evil twin. The Troopers win the day and return to the Dojo, intent on finding Jeb. Suddenly, Jeb shows up at the door -- only it's not Jeb. It's really his twin. When Jeb's twin exhibits the same characteristics as Jeb, Kaitlin is quick to acknowledge that some twins are equal.

Feb 7, 1995
J.B. spars with RYAN in an effort to relax before taking a test to qualify for a scholarship. When sparring fails to work, J.B. tries to relax in the park. SKUGS attack him and draw him into the BattleGrid where they administer the Metamorphosis Pulse -- a weapon designed to gradually change humans into virtual mutants. PROFESSOR HART informs Kaitlin and Ryan that J.B. is under GRIMLORD'S influence. As one of Grimlord's mutants, J.B. forgets who he really is and fights other mutants for position. Grimlord sends the mutant J.B. to fight Ryan, as Kaitlin works with the Professor to recover their fallen Trooper. Ryan manages to save J.B.'s life and, as the Transmutant, J.B. fights by Ryan's side and defeats the other mutants. At the lab, J.B. regains his human form just in time to take the test -- an exam about which he's no longer worried. His experience in the Virtual World has allowed him to put the scholarship in proper perspective.

Feb 8, 1995
J.B. agrees to help his South American ""E-Mail"" pal, JOSE, with some research on volcano data. Mount Kronos, an extinct volcano near-by, has been vibrating strangely and J.B. is convinced that his computer will give him the answer to why this is happening. Meanwhile, GRIMLORD is building an attack base to breach the reality barrier through the volcano. By eavesdropping on J.B., Grimlord learns that the TROOPERS may uncover his plan. JEB smells a rat and Ryan realizes ""Jose"" is an impostor. ""Jose"" turns into a Skug, multiplies himself and a Skug fight ensues. J.B. transforms, goes onto the mountain and is nearly trapped by GENERAL IVAR and ROLL-BOT. Ryan pulls J.B. back to reality just in time. The Troopers defeat their enemies and destroy Grimlord's attack base. Back at the Dojo, ""Jose,"" short for the beautiful Josephina, arrives. She wonders if J.B. would show her around Cross World City? J.B. is convinced this experience is better in reality than via computer ""E-Mail.""

Feb 9, 1995
RICKY, TAO'S visiting nephew, is a couch potato who spends most of his time watching TV and playing video games. The kids are planning an obstacle course for Cross World City and they get Ricky involved. GRIMLORD, reeling from recent defeats at the hands of the V.R. TROOPERS, plans an obstacle course competition for his warriors. The prize: another bout with Ryan. Grimlord's newest robot, COMBAX, kidnaps Ricky and brings him to the games. Ryan finds Ricky and Combax at the robot games. Ryan defeats Combax and rescues Ricky, who no longer wants to be a couch potato. He wants to participate in life. To Tao's delight, Ricky not only runs the obstacle course, he soundly trounces PERCY, despite his opponent's head start.

Feb 10, 1995
GRIMLORD steals DR. UNGER's transforming device, hoping to take the powers of the V.R. TROOPERS for his army. RYAN interrupts the theft and the device's beam is turned on him. JEB jumps into the beam and the two of them switch bodies. Later, J.B. and Kaitlin transform to get the device while Ryan, in Jeb's body, tries to control Jeb. J.B. and Kaitlin fight a fierce battle and when they need help, Ryan tries to transform while still in Jeb's body. Jeb winds up in Ryan's robot body and is forced to fight a MUTANT. When J.B. and Kaitlin destroy the device, Ryan and Jeb are switched back to their own bodies and Ryan defeats his foe. Back at the Dojo, the kids are surprised by one the antics Jeb pulled while a human. He bought out every fast food place in Cross World City.

Feb 13, 1995
RYAN, KAITI IN and J.B. are having a blast at a go-cart racetrack. They notice a kid who is being teased by a bully about having trouble with his go-cart. J.B. and Ryan volunteer to help get the kid's go-cart up and running for a race against the bully. Meanwhile, ZIKTOR has come up with the ultimate opposition to the TROOPERS -- melding the powers of all his mutants into one super-robot, ZELTON. Back at the Dojo, Ryan and J.B. get a call from PROFESSOR HART, who needs their help in collecting crystals for some research he's doing. Ryan is busy with the repair job on the go-cart, so Kaitlin and J.B. volunteer to collect the Professor's crystals. GRIMLORD, who orders his mutants to fire upon the two Troopers after they enter an old mine. Once inside, the bombardment causes a cave-in in the mine trapping Kaitlin and J.B. At the lab, Ryan and the Professor try to trace J.B. and Kaitlin's movements, but they are unsuccessful. Grimlord chooses now as the perfect time to unleash his ultimate

Feb 14, 1995
KAITLIN'S cousin from Ireland, KEITH, and his band are in town to perform a benefit concert to help raise awareness concerning the environment. KARL ZIKTOR/GRIMLORD, not wanting the city to realize his company is responsible for harmful toxic waste dumping, needs to prevent the concert at any cost. Therefore, he kidnaps Keith and brings him into his world of Virtual Reality. For good measure, Grimlord decides to imprison Keith in a music synthesizer that will harness the musician's fiddling talent and enable the mutant FIDDLEBOT to play a series of songs that will finally destroy the TROOPERS. RYAN rescues Keith from Grimlord's clutches and returns him to human form so the concert can go on. PROFESSOR HART and the Troopers erase all of Keith's memories of Virtual Reality and he and his band entertain and enlighten the citizens of Cross World City as planned.

Feb 15, 1995
While at an arcade, J.B., RYAN and KAITLIN are visited by a mysterious man who suggests they play the newest game in the store -- ""Dark Odyssey."" As they play, they are given a shock via the game board, which GRIMLORD is secretly using as a conduit to unleash a lethal dose of gamma radiation on the virtualizers. They turn to their old friend, DR. ULYSSES T. POINDEXTER, the absent-minded professor. With Dr. Poindexter's help, Ryan's virtualizer is repaired. During a test run, Poindexter is kidnapped by SKUGS under Grimlord's order. The evil emperor wants to use Poindexter's knowledge of the TROOPERS as a weapon against them. The VR trio track Poindexter's whereabouts and Ryan sets out to rescue him. In the end, Poindexter repairs all three virtualizers and the Troopers are back in business. J.B. uses a device to wipe Poindexter's memory free from knowing who they really are, thus making him worthless to Grimlord.

Feb 20, 1995
While camping out the gang gets their visit of a life time. Two alien kids asks them for help. They bring them to Professor Hart, where he fixs their piece they needed. While waiting, they decides to show the aliens, Nicoli, and Elajh around. They then get kidnapped from Grimlord's hencemen, and the troopers get them back. The two aliens then return home.

Feb 22, 1995
PROFESSOR HART contacts RYAN, KAITLIN and J.B. at The Underground to relay a message to Ryan from DR. MONROE, an old friend of the Professor's who happens to head up the National Space Laboratory. Dr. Monroe informs Ryan that while retrieving data from an old satellite he ran across information concerning TYLER STEELE, Ryan's dad. Dr. Monroe arranges to travel to Cross World City to give Ryan the video. ZIKTOR/GRIMLORD learns of this plan and sends his SKUGS to intercept delivery of the videotape. He also plans to lure the TROOPERS into a trap that will destroy them once and for all. Grimlord's Skugs are successful in kidnapping Dr. Monroe and detaining the Troopers. The Troopers locate the real Dr. Monroe and attempt a rescue. Dr. Monroe is released from Grimlord's clutches and the video of Tyler Steele is recovered. Ryan learns that his father is still alive and out there --somewhere.

Feb 27, 1995
Grimlord invents his own VR Trooper but realizes that he's missing a human inhabit the armor so he sets his sights on Kaitlin's friend Amy. He captures Amy and puts her under his evil spell. Kaitlin is injured causing ryan to make sure that the red python will regret for what she did.

Feb 28, 1995
Ryan and J.B. desperately search for a way to help Kaitlin return to human form. J.B. is sent to fight the Red Python and the Python malfunctions midbattle. They visit their friend, Dr. Poindexter, hoping he can help them with Kaitlin. Poindexter has an extra retroformer and-they use it on Kaitlin, bringing her back to normal. Meanwhile, Amy goes to the dojo, looking for help and passes out. She transforms into the Red Python and is sent to destroy the Troopers. At the lab it is discovered that Amy is the Red Python and is in danger of self-destructing if engaged in another battle. J.B. again meets with Red Python and tries to reason with her. She collapses and changes back into Amy. She taken to the lab where the professor- is able to reverse the brainwashing. She is grateful to the V.R. Troopers and her new friends, unaware that they are one and the same.