The Brittas Empire - Season 5 - Episodes (9)

Oct 31, 1994
After the building was destroyed by a large fire. Gordon is now back as Manager of the centre. 'Songs of Praise' is going to be held at Whitbury Newtown Leisure Centre. Gordon is very excited and he and Helen are going for a review with the presenter of 'Songs of Praise'. But then trouble starts when a serial killer maybe on the lose after a few accidents happen. Gordon is determined that the recording of 'Songs of Praise' must go on. But then he ends up face-to-face when the verial killer turns out to be an ostrich.

Nov 7, 1994
Gordon Brittas is thinking of going to Brussels for European Commissioner. Colin gets blinded when his garden explodes and starts causing trouble when he can't see where he is going. Gordon is thinking of giving Colin the sack because of his ways. Then he kills Colin's pet bird and tells Tim to get another one. It turns out that it's also Colin's birthday and that the saddest thing is that his aunt died. Gordon decides not to give Colin the sack and promotes him to deputy manager.

Nov 14, 1994
Gordon Brittas is in Brussels being interviewed for European Commissioner of Sport. He keeps calling Whitbury Newtown Leisure Centre to see how things are going. Laura is in charge and things aren't going well. A children's birthday party goes wrong and Tim is very upset. Then a load of mice turn up and Gordon tells Gavin on the telephone that he must throw the ingredients away. Meanwhile Helen is being accussed of attacking Mr Furber, one of her child's school teachers. Will things turn out well at the centre?

Nov 21, 1994
Gordon Brittas is explaining about safety at the building site where a new room is being made. Michael T. Farrell comes to Whitbury Newtown Leisure Centre for a job which is advertised in the newspaper. Gordon is not at all pleased but gives Michael an application form for the job. Carole is upset because no one remembered her birthday, Michael starts to make lies about her party and everyone agrees but Colin tells the truth from his point of view. Gordon is confused and soon realises what's been going on.

Nov 28, 1994
Gordon Brittas explains that Gavin will be taking over as trial manager for one day. Gavin is really excited and soon starts enjoying it. But then he is told about emergency situations like pregnences, marooned school buses and poisonous gas leaks. Gordon is testing out his abilities and Tim is not to pleased. Being tired and worried Gordon takes over when things start to go wrong. Meanwhile Carole is going out for the day but is shocked to discover that her friend is dead.

Dec 5, 1994
Gordon Brittas is doing Urine tests on his staff. He thinks that the women in the centre are pregnant. Everyone is shocked and surprised especially Carole when she can't believe what she has heard. Gordon tells her that she may have to marry Colin if he's the father of Carole's child. Then disaster strikes when Gordon tells Tim that he might be pregnant. Tim is shocked and denies that he isn't a women. Gavin rescues Tim and punches Gordon in the nose. Meanwhile Julie is feeling very happy when she finds someone that she loves, but then she gets the blame when it turns out the urine samples were dropped and disarranged.

Dec 12, 1994
Colin discovers an unexploded missile in the basement and tries to warn Gordon but he takes no notice and tells him to sort out his problems on his own. While doing this on his own Gordon is packing his things away for his departure for Brussels. Then Colin gets hit on the head by a croquet ball by Gavin and Tim and Colin ends up being rushed to hospital. Then no one knows but Colin had put the missile in the racket box and tries to warn everyone but everyone is having a party for their new futures.

Dec 19, 1994
Gordon is ready to leave for Brussels but Helen isn't to keen on going. Then she sees Gordon's pictures and the hotel and decides to go with him. Gordon offers his Management to Laura but she is going to America for he baby to be raised. Everyone is excited but Gordon then says that due to an unreplied message he won't be going. An emergency water tank is installed and then makes the ceiling collapse. Carole is on trouble when she gets stuck in her toy car. Then Gordon pushes Carole but is too late to get himself clear. This then means the end for Gordon Brittas.

Dec 27, 1994
It's Christmas time and everyone is coming to Colin's Scottish Castle to celebrate the man who gave them everything at Whitbury Newtown Leisure Centre. Laura tells the story about one Christmas holiday that went wrong. Things weren't going well and the staff were trapped in the centre and weren't allowed out until the snow had cleared.