Bharjari (2017)

Bharjari Poster
2h 37min | Action, Comedy, Drama, Romance | Sep 15, 2017 | Released

Surya is an orphan raised lovingly by his dead mother's best friend. While he may not be the ideal son, who is well settled with a good job, his mother dotes on him and wants him to find the ideal bride. And Surya ends up encountering not one, but three different women who change the course of his life. Does Surya end up with a happily ever after?

Director: Chethan Kumar


Writer(s): Chethan Kumar

Story: Chethan Kumar

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Crew (2 Members)


V. Harikrishna

Music Director


Chethan Kumar


Profile V. Harikrishna Music Director
Profile Chethan Kumar Director

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