The Animator's Survival Kit Animated (2008)

The Animator's Survival Kit Animated Poster
10h | Animation | Nov 24, 2008 | Released

The Animator's Survival Kit - Animated is about how things move, and specific work methods used to make characters live, breathe, think and give a sustained commanding performance. Williams demonstrates his points with drawing, performance and over 400 specially animated examples - many from his best-selling book. 16 DVD Set Contents: 1. Starting Right 2. Timing and Spacing 3. Working Methods 4. More Timing More Spacing 5. Building Walks 6. Flexibility in a Walk 7. Sneaks, Runs, and Animal Action 8. Flexibility 9. Overlapping Action and Weight 10. Takes 11. Vibrates 12. Accents 13. Dialogue 1 14. Dialogue 2 15. Giving the Performance 16. Putting it all Together





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