Melodie des Herzens (1929)

Melodie des Herzens Poster
1h 28min | Comedy, Drama, Music | Dec 15, 1929 | Released

A young maid from the country looses her job as maid in k.u.k. Budapest, when she stays out too long with her beau, a soldier, who's saving money to buy a horse to open a transport company. After being unemployed for quite a while and her rent is long overdue, the landlady offers her a better job in a nightclub. Meanwhile the soldiers family has decided that her son should marry the daughter of a rich farmer. The soldier finds out about his girl friends profession, and accepts after struggling with himself the match his parents have made. At the day of his engagement his girl friend comes to his hometown with enough money to buy a horse, which leads to a conflict between her, the fiancee, her family, himself and his parents.

Director: Hanns Schwarz




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Cast & Crew

Cast (5 Members)


Dita Parlo

Julia Balog


Willy Fritsch

János Garas


Ilka Grüning

Fräulein Czibulka


Anni Mewes

Anna Kovács

Profile Dita Parlo Julia Balog
Profile Willy Fritsch János Garas
Profile Ilka Grüning Fräulein Czibulka
Profile Anni Mewes Anna Kovács

Crew (1 Members)


Hanns Schwarz


Profile Hanns Schwarz Director

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