The Girl of the Northern Woods (1910)

The Girl of the Northern Woods Poster
11min | Action, Drama, Romance, Western | Jun 2, 1910 | Released

This picture tells the story of Lucy Dane, a Canadian lumberman's daughter, and of Will Harding's love for her. Will is a worthy young surveyor and Lucy feels honored to have his love, and returns it. Jose, a half-breed trapper, adores Lucy and necessarily dislikes Will, whom he correctly counts his successful rival. More, he bears Will a grudge for responding to Lucy's cries for help when he forced his attentions on her in a lonely neck of the woods.

Director: Barry O'Neil




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Cast & Crew

Cast (2 Members)


Frank Hall Crane

Will Harding, a Surveyor


Anna Rosemond

Lucy Daine

Profile Frank Hall Crane Will Harding, a Surveyor
Profile Anna Rosemond Lucy Daine

Crew (1 Members)


Barry O'Neil


Profile Barry O'Neil Director

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