小姨懷春 (1975)

小姨懷春 Poster
1h 32min | Comedy, Romance | Jan 1, 1975 | Released

Mr. and Mrs. Ho are longing for a grandson. Their son, Ho Chieh and daughter-in-law, Wan Ping, come home from abroad. Wan Ching, the little sister-in-law, is a nurse and comes with Mrs. Ho to meet her sister. At the airport, old Mrs. Ho mistakenly hears that her daughter-in-law is pregnant. After that, Ho Chieh has to attend a business party. However, his wife is not free for it so he begs his little sister-in-law to go as his wife. Wan Ching turns out to be a hit with the guests. In order to please his mother, Chieh asks little sister-in-law to take Wan Ping to the hospital for a pregnancy test and get a false positive report. But through a mistake, Wan Ping gets the report of a sterile woman. She is saddened by it but everyone lies to the old people in order to spare them the disappointment...

Director: Su Yang

Producer: Lo Wei

Writer(s): Su Kuang-hsun


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Crew (6 Members)


Lo Wei



Su Yang



Hsu Li-Hwa

Associate Producer


Su Kuang-hsun


Profile Lo Wei Producer
Profile Su Yang Director
Profile Hsu Li-Hwa Associate Producer
Profile Su Kuang-hsun Screenplay

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