Las Niñas (2009)

Las Niñas Poster
1h 5min | Drama | Apr 30, 2009 | Released

Sofía, a young girl, has cancer. Her friend Antonia comes to see her and accompany her in her apartment. Sofía seems to avoid the illness, not wanting to face it, but Antonia is reluctant to let this happen. Between them a strange and ambiguous link emerges, conditioned by the weight of the situation they are facing. However, Sofía hides a secret. When Antonia reveals it, as harsh as it seems, things won't be settled.

Director: Rodrigo Marín


Writer(s): Rodrigo Marín


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Cast & Crew

Cast (4 Members)

Crew (2 Members)


Rodrigo Marín



Fernando Solís Nova


Profile Rodrigo Marín Director
Profile Fernando Solís Nova Cinematography

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