Pasa Kiligal movie revolves around two villages Aalur and Melur. Sethupathy (Prabhu) and his brother Sevathayya (Murali) are fond of their only sister Maragadham (Navya Nair) living in Melur village.Vairaghya Bhoopathy (Nasser) who is the chief of the neighboring village Aalur and the two families are rival for generations. But Maragadham falls for Nallarasu (Vineeth) who is the brother of Bhoopathy.Then comes Alakalan (Kalabhavan Mani) who a schemer who wants to marry Maragadham. Both the brothers humiliate him and send him back. He ends up marrying Bhoopathy
Director: M. Karunanidhi
Producer: Rama Narayanan
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