Audrey (2014)

Audrey Poster
Feb 14, 2014 | Released

"Audrey" is a unique comedy chronicling an hour in the life of Audrey, a hopeful yet terribly insecure romantic: hopeful because she is about to have the all-important third date with Gene, a man who may prove to be the love of her life; and insecure because she lives in secret terror that she isn't good enough for anyone. Tensions mount and explode into the very real world around her. Audrey finds the strength and courage she never imagined she had, triumphing in touching and unexpected ways.

Director: Dean Pollack




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Cast & Crew

Cast (1 Members)


Katherine McKalip

Woman crossing street (uncredited)

Profile Katherine McKalip Woman crossing street (uncredited)

Crew (1 Members)


Dean Pollack


Profile Dean Pollack Director

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