Her Secret (1933)

Her Secret Poster
Comedy, Drama | Dec 18, 1933 | Released

In "Her Secret" (aka "The Girl from Georgia" in the UK in 1934 when shown there)Johnny, the son of a rich-man, is an idling, good-for-nothing loafer, who leads a wild-and-hectic life, flunks out of college, and is disinherited and made to leave home by his father, who has given up on his on in despair. Johnny opens a gas-station in Arizona, where "Waffles,", a girl from Georgia, takes him in hand and employs her own methods of reformation with astonishing and fruitful results.

Director: Warren Millais



Story: Helen Mitchell

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Cast & Crew

Cast (10 Members)

Crew (6 Members)


J. Peverell Marley

Director of Photography


Warren Millais



Ray McDevitt

Assistant Director


Bert Eason

Camera Operator

Profile J. Peverell Marley Director of Photography
Profile Warren Millais Director
Profile Ray McDevitt Assistant Director
Profile Bert Eason Camera Operator

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