Masked Avenger Versus Ultra-Villain in the Lair of the Naked Bikini (2000)

Masked Avenger Versus Ultra-Villain in the Lair of the Naked Bikini Poster
1h 24min | Jan 1, 2000 | Released

Masked Avenger is a hero to the modern world. He destroys his enemies with kung fu fighting, handsaws and guns, but with one small hang-up. At the sight of a woman, The Masked Avenger immediately begins to gratify himself, no matter what situation he is in. The evil Helmut Gunta plans to impregnante a virgin in order to have an heir, and the woman he has in mind is a nun, Sister Mary who happens to be the Masked Avenger's sister. Gunta has a plan to stop The Masked Avenger from getting in the way... organise a gang of strippers to keep him pre-occupied until Sister Mary is pregnant.

Director: Mark Savage




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Cast & Crew

Cast (3 Members)


Robin Brennan

Masked Avenger


Peter Beitans

Helmut Gunta


Nene Powell

Sister Mary van Hootin

Profile Robin Brennan Masked Avenger
Profile Peter Beitans Helmut Gunta
Profile Nene Powell Sister Mary van Hootin

Crew (2 Members)


Mark Savage



Haruki Koto


Profile Mark Savage Director
Profile Haruki Koto Writer

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