ワカラナイ (2009)

ワカラナイ Poster
1h 44min | Drama | Nov 13, 2009 | Released

Yuto Kobayashi stars as a down-on-his-luck 16-year-old named Ryo Kawai. Ryo grew up fatherless, and has been trying to make a living by working at a local convenience store ever since his mother was hospitalized with a prolonged illness. Unable to support himself on his meager earnings, he has to resort to sneaking money from the cash register and stealing rice balls to get by-a habit which eventually gets him fired. Just when it seems things can't get any worse, his mother dies and he's stuck with a hefty bill for the hospital and funeral expenses. Obviously unable to pay, but determined to send his mother off himself, Ryo steals her corpse and places it in a small rowboat. After the makeshift funeral ceremony, Ryo heads off to Tokyo on a journey to meet his absentee father.



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Cast & Crew

Cast (3 Members)


Makiko Watanabe

Kawai's Mother


Masahiro Kobayashi

Kawai's Father


Yuto Kobayashi

Ryo Kawai

Profile Makiko Watanabe Kawai's Mother
Profile Masahiro Kobayashi Kawai's Father
Profile Yuto Kobayashi Ryo Kawai

Crew (1 Members)

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