Eles Voltam (2012)

Eles Voltam Poster
1h 45min | Drama | Sep 19, 2012 | Released

Cris, aged 12, and her brother are left at the side of the road by their parents. The punishment quickly turns into an even greater challenge. Marcelo Lordello's first feature film Eles voltam, which follows Cris in her attempts to find her way back home, is a modern-day fable through different realities guided by the people that inhabit them.

Director: Marcelo Lordello

Producer: Mannuela Costa

Writer(s): Marcelo Lordello


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Cast & Crew

Cast (5 Members)

Crew (7 Members)


Ivo Lopes Araújo

Director of Photography


Guga S. Rocha

Sound Designer


Iomana Rocha

Production Design


Mannuela Costa


Profile Ivo Lopes Araújo Director of Photography
Profile Guga S. Rocha Sound Designer
Profile Iomana Rocha Production Design
Profile Mannuela Costa Producer

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